Getting Black Friday off of Thanksgiving’s Back

A toxic, eroding, commitment to commercialism has engulfed arguably, the most sacred holiday we have celebrating The United States of America and turned it into the gateway to Black Friday. Thanksgiving’s former significance has been all but neutralized by Black Friday whose onslaught of incessant sales pitches start breaking into our consciousness from the internet, television, radio and print, ad nauseam at Halloween.

The current situation is quite oxymoronic with people sitting down to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, their heads bowed, with the repetition of, “Sales start at 4pm.” echoing in their heads. Giving thanks while lusting for the next over-indulgence can and does cause cognitive dissonance leaving one idea behind, Thanksgiving.

I brought this idea up last year a bit closer to Thanksgiving (see: ) when I proposed switching the celebration dates of Thanksgiving and Halloween to get a little ahead of the circus. I was asked, “How are you going to go about doing that?” Black Friday was already barreling our way so there wasn’t anything I could do about it then. However, after thinking it over and over for almost a year now, I’ve rejected writing to my congressional representatives, starting a petition, or otherwise following an official route to change the momentum of our tradition, however jaded it may have become. I’ve even changed my suggested date for this additional Thanksgiving holiday.

Black Friday-free Thanksgiving in August

I believe we can take a small, but insulating step away from commercialization toward appreciation, for at least a day, with an additional Thanksgiving Day. I propose that we declare the 3rd Saturday of August “Black Friday-free” Thanksgiving for ourselves and those closest to us who wish to participate. Eventually, we’ll just call it Thanksgiving, when Black Friday has completely consumed our traditional holiday. Until then, we can still celebrate it too, as best we can.

I propose that we celebrate a day dedicated to giving thanks while there is still a little feel of summer in the air, before everyone is overwhelmed with the starting of the school year, and before Covid variations make us have to take extra precautions again. August has no major holidays of its own (yet), if you don’t count Sea Serpent Day (7th), or National Middle Child Day (12th), or, my favorite, Bad Poetry Day (18th). Celebrating on a Saturday is also appropriate because more people can participate on the weekend.

We don’t need Congressional approval to share the idea of a commercial-free Thanksgiving. We don’t need a petition campaign to personally gather with loved ones over a wholesome meal in an atmosphere of genuine thanksgiving.

If You Agree, Please Share

I am not looking to convert anyone against their own inertia. I am looking to share this idea of a Black Friday-free Thanksgiving on the third Saturday in August (21st, this year), with like-minded people, so folks who share similar sentiments can participate. If you agree, there is no organization to join and nowhere to contribute to (except your local food bank), just have your gathering!

If this idea represents your feelings please share it with your family, friends, social media contacts and anyone you think might be interested as soon as possible, while people still have time to get their own get-togethers together. And, after your celebration, please comment below, and tell me how this idea was received, how large or intimate your gathering was and how it went.

I hope you find this idea engaging and this post worth sharing. Thank you for reading this far.

J. S. Du Bois

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